Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's more than just AIG!

Okay, so everyone is freaking out about this AIG thing, and for good reason. What I don’t get is why all of a sudden. It’s not like this is new. Outrageous bonus plans have been in effect for years and the last ten years have been some of the worst I have seen. And hey gang this is not just corporate executives getting these huge payments! It’s our government employees as well. Today the first thing any C-level candidate wants to know is about the bonus structure. I’m sick of it, but I’m not paying these people.

I just keep asking myself why do people need so much money. I mean really! I’m all for anyone making a good living. Everyone would like to have a nice home, a dependable car, the ability to send their kids to a good school, etc. But seriously – “How much do you need to be comfortable?” A six-figure income is great, but when you get past a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, isn’t that gluttony?

I don’t think the guy making millions every year looks himself in the mirror every day (or at tax time) and says, “I make too much money”. Hey dude, how about thinking about how you can use that money wisely? No not your financial portfolio, idiot – wise use of that kind of money is to help the homeless guy on the street corner. I know you can’t fix his problems, but you never know what he might do with a couple G’s.

I just ask you to think about it. Our current economic strife is more than some people can handle. It’s worse than some of us have ever seen. Remember that old saying – Pay it Forward? Lets try some TODAY!

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